December 15, 2010

Some nice photo

King's Bench Prison... the wretched place I was imprisoned in.

1 comment:

  1. topic of abe & Booth. Anthony Pitch doesn't mention the note left at vp Johnson -his hotelroom in box for Room 68,Booth’s Calling Card was left at kirkwoodhouse,(dont wish to disturb you,are you at home, JwilkesBooth)and George Atzerodt booked room 126 at the Kirkwood House(coat with JWB bank account Montreal bank )2 blocks to Ford theatreacross peterson house.).Anthony Pitch doesn't mention that the war dept bought the ford theatre building served as the home of the WarDept and soJohn T. Ford sold the building to the War Dept in1866., hang the bodies of Lewis Powell, David Herold, andGeorge Atzerodt and MarySurratt.Anthony Pitch doesn't that Louis Weichmann, clerk in the war dept lived at Surratt board house met John Wilkes Booth played cards with booth, john Surratt ,and group conspirators Louis Weichmann(friend John Surratt) should of known a lot he should report it to the war dept (authorities)prevent the event from happening inthe first place.Anthony Pitch,doesn't mention - Lucy Lambert Hale,daughter of John Parker Hale,(that was never brought intothe Lincoln Trial that Senator went to Abe the day he diedask to have position so that he can be out of the U.S.)Senator, John Wilkes Booth Wallet .Booth'spockets were found compass, a candle, pictures fivewomen (actresses Alice Grey, Helen Western, Effie Germon,Fannie Brown, and Booth's fiancĂ©e Lucy Hale), and his diary,where he had written of Lincoln's death, ".Anthony Pitch doesn't mention that after Booth's death, brother Edwin wrote tohis sister Asia, "Think no more of him as your brother; he isdead to us now, as he soon must be to all the world, butimagine the boy you loved to be in that better part of hisspirit, in another world.That Edwin Booth saved RTL(abe son) lifefrom a train moving..Anthony Pitch,doesn't mention thatRumors of John Wilkes Booth escaped with help from Cospirators that wanted Lincoln out of the way ,for political or Personal reasons help Booth escape the gallows ,Booth, said Bates, assumed the pseudonym "John St. Helen"and settled on the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas, andlater moved to Granbury, Texas. He fell gravely ill and made deathbed confession that he was the fugitive assassin,but he then recovered and fled eventually committingsuicide in 1903 in Enid, Oklahoma under the alias "David E.George". By 1913, more than 70,000 copies of the book had been sold, and Bates exhibited St. Helen's mummified body carnival sideshows.The last not least ,..Anthony Pitch,He doesn't mention JohnWilkes Booth diary, assassin’s diary was found on his bodywhen he was killed twelve days after Lincoln’s murder.Mystery surrounds Booth’s diary because appeared to bemissing 54 pages from the front of the book and additional 32 pages from the back, The little book was taken off Booth’s body by Colonel Everton Conger. He took it to Washington and gave it to Lafayette C. Baker, chief of theWar DeptNational Detective Police. Baker in turn gave it to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.In 1867 the diary was re-discovered forgotten War Department file with more than dozen pages missing. Conspiracy theorists became convinced missing pages contained key really was behind Lincoln’s assassination,&fingers pointed toward Stanton. Supporttheory came about 1975 when Joseph Lynch,books dealer, claimed have found missing pages through Stanton’s descendants.Edwin Stanton born Steubenville, Ohio, .Lawyer ,reaper case Cincinatti Ohio made fun of abe.political feud between Andrew Johnson. Hon. E. M. Stanton, serve under President Andrew Johnson from 1865 to 1868 Johnson tried suspended Stanton and House of Representatives try impeached a sitting president.
